Looking Forward by Looking Back
July 19, 2018

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
The recession of 2008–2009 was an extraordinary test for not only our business, but for the cultural principles of Truly Human Leadership we had established.
Principles that were still in their infancy and had yet to really take root in the hearts of our people, or even be trusted as legitimate. But as often happens when a family endures difficulty, they come out on the other side closer than ever.
We’re very proud of this part of our history, and we’re proud that the story of our experience during the recession regularly circulates around to inspire others. Our friend Simon Sinek continues to tell the story and one of my quotes about that time is frequently shared on social media: “It’s better that we should all suffer a little than any of us should have to suffer a lot.”
For the 10th anniversary of the recession, St. Louis Public Radio recently produced a story on that time in our company’s history. It’s a powerful reminder of that crucial moment in time, a reminder of how far we’ve come and a reminder of how much more we have to accomplish when it comes to spreading our message about a better way to do business to other businesses around the world.
You can read and listen to the St. Louis Public Radio story here.
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.
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