Our New Podcast: Everybody Matters
May 11, 2015

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
A few years ago, friends like bestselling author Simon Sinek and respected author and speaker Srikumar Rao, PhD, challenged Barry-Wehmiller to share our message of Truly Human Leadership with the world. They said it would be selfish of us if we didn’t.
We took that charge to heart.
Speaking engagements are one of the ways we share the message outside our company walls. Presentations at events like Conscious Capitalism 2015 and Success Summit 3.0 is another way. This blog is another. Over the next few months, you’ll read about other ways we are trying to build a better world; new initiatives that will finally come to fruition after a lot of hard work and planning. We have high hopes that these endeavors will profoundly expand the scope of our message and its impact throughout the world.
Today, we’d like to introduce you to our new podcast: Everybody Matters. Like this blog, it will provide thoughts, insights and stories from throughout Barry-Wehmiller’s leadership journey. We’ll feature other like-minded leaders who are also trying to change the world. Friends we’ve made along the way like Simon, Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, author and philanthropist Lynne Twist and many more.
We hope this podcast is a gift of inspiration and encouragement. Please share it on your social media networks, with your friends and your teammates and leaders. The first two episodes feature introductions to our message of Truly Human Leadership for anyone who isn’t familiar. They’ll also be of great interest to those of you who have followed us for a while.
We know our message can change the world. Help us spread the word.
How to get this week’s podcast episode:
The Everybody Matters podcast is available for free on iTunes where you can easily download it straight to your computer or mobile device. We encourage you to subscribe to the Everybody Matters podcast on iTunes so you won’t miss an episode. If you are an Android user, you can also download the podcast for free through Podcast Addict. If you don’t have access through iTunes or your phone, you can download the podcast here or listen straight from the player above.
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.
Find out more at ccoleadership.com