Podcast: Betsy Myers and a Leadership Report Card
November 30, 2018

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
Betsy Myers is a wonderfully talented individual with a long resume in leadership.
She’s served in two White House administrations, she was the Executive Director of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and she was the Founding Director of the Center for Women & Business at Bentley University. She’s an entrepreneur, speaker, consultant and she’s written a book about leadership: Take the Lead: Motivate, Inspire, and Bring Out the Best in Yourself and Everyone Around You.
I had the honor of appearing on her podcast, “Take the Lead – Conversations with Leaders that Motivate and Inspire” and this week, she returns the favor.
On this week’s Everybody Matters Podcast, Betsy shares takeaways from the Lead With Love conference that she recently attended, where I was also a speaker. She offers a “report card” of sorts, looking at where businesses and organizations are now in spreading the message of Truly Human Leadership and where we can all go from here.
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.
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