Podcast: Howard Behar, Former President of Starbucks
May 10, 2023

- Brent Stewart
Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller
BW CEO Bob Chapman began his 2012 TEDx talk by telling the audience that he wanted to make them aware of a crisis that we have in this country, a crisis of leadership.
Five years later, We're still talking about it because the message is more important than ever.
The good news is that, along the way, we keep finding more allies, more people like us trying to change the ways organizations do business—where their leaders care as much about their people as they do their products and their profits.
Howard Behar, former President of Starbucks, is also out there saying that leadership is in crisis. For 21 years, he helped drive and steward the culture of the popular coffee company as it grew from 28 stores to more than 15,000. He helped the leadership of company realize it wasn’t about the coffee they were serving in the stores; it was about serving the people in their organization.
Howard talks about his leadership journey and gives practical advice to aspiring leaders on this podcast. You can listen through the link above.
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